Do you need psychological help?

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A human can adapt to any conditions. We are designed to be adaptive, and our task is to survive.

But do we live happily at the same time? Can we say that we do whatever we want? Are we not left in our old traumas, resentments and some outdated mechanisms of behaviour?

Answer the below four questions honestly:

- Over the past five years, did you lose a loved person, changed your place of residence or were in conditions of prolonged uncertainty?

- Do you often think that the world is unfair to you?

- Do you often fail, lose in relationships or work, although you do your best?

- At the moment, do you live in a situation of emotional stress (at work, in the family, in the city) and do not know what to do?

If you answered “yes” to at least one question, you need psychological help. Contact us for help by phone: 0800509001 * (* All calls are free. Psychological assistance is provided free of charge)

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