In 2014, a big tragedy came to my homeland, to Donbass. Its name is war. Its miseries befell everyone, including children and the elderly. Eight years later, this tragedy affected the whole of Ukraine. It has brought even more grief to our country.
Today, all our efforts are focused on only one thing – to help Ukraine win this war, to help Ukrainian civilians survive.
Every day of my charitable Foundation’s work yesterday, today and tomorrow means thousands of saved lives.
And thousands of stories – stories of grief and rescue during the war. Stories of pain from the loss of loved ones and loss of home. This is certainly our common pain and our non-healing wound.
I would like all these stories to stay unerased from memory, so that our memories remain forever. So that every human story from the Museum of Civilian Voices becomes a call to stop this terrible war and prevent such tragedies in the future.