Webinar Stress Management

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Stress is a reaction of the human body that occurs in response to the action from a stimulus (excitator), regardless of whether it carries a negative or positive charge. The increase in stress loads and over-fatigue are one of the most unfavourable consequences of the stressful rhythm of life in our time. Unfortunately, stress has become the norm of life for most of us. Loss of mental balance, feelings of anxiety, melancholy, dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life, decreased or lowered working capacity are well known to many people. Stressful situations lead to the development of psychosis and neuroses.

What is stress? What types of stress are possible and how does it affect our body? And most importantly, solutions on how to deal with stress “here and now”, as well as practical advice on how to manage stress – you will learn all this by listening to the webinar Stress Management, which is delivered by a psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, specialist in crisis psychology and overcoming traumatic experiences Olena Lukyanchuk.

You can also contact the Foundation’s psychologists for help by calling the hotline: 0800509001*

(*All calls are free. Psychological assistance is provided free of charge).

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