The Ministry of Reintegration has made a list of useful services and links to chatbots that can help internally displaced persons (IDPs) find housing in a new region, learn how and where to get humanitarian and financial assistance, how to find a job, adapt to a new place of living, and get answers to common questions that IDPs might have.
✅The legal advisor for IDPs is a chatbot that provides round-the-clock free legal assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war (Viber / Telegram / Facebook Messenger).
✅eHelp is a social service from the state through which IDPs can apply for assistance from the government, international organizations or volunteers (additionally, the website gives an opportunity to offer other people’s support in providing food, clothing, and medicines).
✅Palyanytsya Info is a platform for quick search for help in all regions of Ukraine (it offers ads in all categories — from humanitarian hubs and centres to psychological assistance).
✅Where you are welcome («Там, де вас чекають») is a website with information about the total number of places that each region offers for free resettlement of IDPs, with their breakdown into free and occupied (visitors can filter options by region or individual community, can find phone numbers of contact centres in each region for inquiries about accommodation and booking of housing for displaced persons).
✅Pryhystok is a portal for finding free housing. IDPs can use the portal for finding accommodation.
✅Give a hand («Допомагай») is a service from volunteers, which also helps to find free housing in safe Ukrainian cities in a convenient way.
👉 More online assistance services for IDPs can be found at the link.