Spectacles of mother who will not see the end of the war

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"Mum kept saying she wanted to go home, and she couldn’t bear the relocation…,’ former Donetsk resident Iryna Barabash tells the Museum of Civilian Voices. She and her family had to flee the war. They moved from Donetsk to the government-controlled territory of Ukraine with a small bag.

"My mother moved with us. She was a disabled person in the first disability group. She suffered from a neurological disease. Stress was contraindicated for her. Because of our relocation, she had to leave her home. This played a very negative role for her health. The situation worsened much, and she became completely bedridden. She kept saying all the time that she wanted to go home, to her home ground. However, surely, we did not return there. It ended tragically with my mother’s death in 2019 when she was only 65 years old..."

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