There was an attack on Stanytsia Luhanska, Shevchenko street, and Lesnaya street. I thought a shell fell on surrounding houses. But I am not sure. It was so terrifying, After that, we decided to leave. Until recently, we hoped that it was about to end, and there is no end to this.

A shell exploded 500 meters away from us. We were in the basement. The child fell asleep and was very scared. He turned white. We prayed to God to make it till morning. We left everything at home: household appliances, furniture, scooter, etc. We took only the dog and the kitten with us.
We had a feeling that it wasn't happening with us. Not really. We couldn't believe it. When the explosions started, you realize that this is actually war.
We had a convector, a small TV, three beds, a table. When it got quiet, I ran into the house and made coffee for everyone. I put it on the tray and quickly carried it to the basement. We ate the same way. We tried to do some homework, tests.
The most difficult two days we had were 11 -12 July, and then 19 - 20 January when we prayed to God to live until the morning, because we could hear explosions nearby. We supported the child. It was terrible. We had adrenaline rush in times like this. They prayed to God to make it until morning, so that we could leave as soon as possible.

Before that, we lived in fits and starts, but we managed. And now, there are thousands of people like us, who are trying to make end meet. We try to adapt to everything.
We worry about everything — home, Mother, etc.
We hope that this will all end soon, and we will be able to go home.