There is still fear as the hostilities in Donbass have not ended. There is a fear that they will return.

For me the war began when a shell pit appeared outside the window. When those events started developing in Slovyansk. It was somehow still quiet here. And when the first explosion/shellfire thundered, then it was... Then I had to quit my job, because the transport did not run any more. It was scary, and very scary to jump over pools of blood. When military vehicles drive around the city. This stress remains with us. Of course, we tend not to discuss this.

I worked in trade for 15 years, but I had to give it all up and change my occupation. I went to work in a hospital.
Peaceful innocent people, including children, are killed for no reason.
Of course, life had been precious before, but now, we have learned to appreciate it even more. As well as friendship and solidarity. When in a multi-apartment block, where many children used to live with their parents, only three children and several adults remain, we have naturally grown closer and have become closer friends.

I would like to forget everything, but I still remember it. I will probably never forget this. There is no one to speak out to, except that sometimes my mother and I remember what we had to go through...
We tried to explain everything to the children in a calm and composed manner. But when we were in a crowded bomb shelter, it was certainly unbearable to be there. People had panic, fits of hysterics, tears, screams and moans... That is why we set up a shelter for the family in our basement.

Now we can freely walk in the streets without fear of anything.