I was at school today. During lessons, we heard someone shooting. We were all scared – and they let us go home.
The school year is over. Nothing boded trouble, but suddenly we heard in the night the flying shellings and exploding bombs.
They still shoot every night, and many people are saying that the war has started!
The shelling increased, and we asked our parents to move from the city to the village, to join us, because my grandparents are no longer able to cope on their own.

We are already kind of used to being bombed, but just in case, my friends and I are developing a plan for how to behave during the bombing.
My parents have finally arrived. I am very happy, but the war never ceases to remind me of itself. Now in our small village, in addition to shooting, there is also no electricity.
We were provided with electricity, we are all very happy, I hope everything will end soon.
Our happiness did not last long, the light was turned off – and in the evening we again were sitting on the bench and drinking tea with cottage cheese.
It's time to take care about school, but in our situation, we can only dream about it. My parents are thinking of sending me and my grandmother to Kyiv, to my great-aunt, and then return to the city.
Today is Knowledge Day, September the 1th but for me it is another day of attacks, and I did not go to school.
My parents decided to send my grandmother and me to Kyiv, and on 04.09.2014 we are leaving.
It's my first day at my new school, and I'm excited, but mostly I miss my parents.
Everything is settling down, but my family is having a hard time, their situation has worsened, but it is good that they learned about the aid from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, the humanitarian Center "We Will Help". In stores there are not many products, and they cost a lot.

I'm finally going home. For six months, I have missed my family so much that I am happy to go home, despite what is happening in Horlivka.
Today is the New Year, it seems to have declared a truce, but it is hard to believe. The New Year will not be so rich, of course, but it will be with parents.
This is year will be usual, they will sometimes shoot. Everything will be teeming with its own life in a rhythm that I am not used to living and did not want to, but had to.
Today is Valentine's Day, but not for everyone. We decided to have a cake, and my mother suggested to go to the living room, because it was hot in the kitchen. And as soon as I sat on the sofa, a shell flew into our yard – and two pieces of glass hit our windows, which went through the glass, and one of them also broke through the wall and got into the toilet. This is how celebrated St. Valentine's Day.
I was transferred to the gymnasium, and this morning began with the shelling. When we entered the room, we were told that we had to leave our shoes on, because there were shootings and there could be a need to evacuate to the basement.

Today is a normal day, it would be a normal biology lesson, if someone didn't start knocking so that it seemed like there was a bombardment. We were all scared, but it turned out that the roof was being repaired.
Today my mother is leaving for the town of Bakhmut to work, and I am staying to finish this school year and then I will join her.
I'm finally going to my mom's. Today we were waiting in line all day and only in the evening we got to my second home for a month.
Today my mother suggested me to go to camp "Soniachnyi" and I, of course, I agreed.
We are already going to camp, and my parents told me: "Anya, think in the camp about where you want to live: in Bakhmut or in Horlivka." And now I have a choice where to live: in a peaceful city, but in a new school, or in a city where there are military operations, but with friends.
Well, now I'm at the camp "Soniachnyi", and I really like it here. I found a lot of new friends and other guys from my town