Yuliya Tveritina – Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, master of linear painting, graphic artist, and illustrator. Julia is from Kyiv. For many years she has been living and working in Suzhou (China). From the first days of the war the artist began to keep an art diary of the war.

50th day! (
from the very beginning of the war, I periodically asked myself what material things I would take from home to save if I could. What bothered me most of all was not even the loss of a large number of paintings and graphics, but the family archive of photographs. What an irony, to survive a revolution and two wars, and be destroyed in an absurd third.
April 8, 2022. Bucha. Sophia, my friend's younger sister, could finally get out of the neighbor's basement, in which she hid more than a month, and return home. She found her home completely defeated by marauders. All the household appliances was carried out , even the fridge and old washing machine. Dear guests smashed the furniture, burned books (probably, to warmed in the flame of knowledge) and made a toilet in the nursery. But Sophia found her cat alive, and was glad to that.