We never thought that such a grief would come to us – the war. We lived and did not think about anything. And everyone had a job - the plant worked. And now there is little work, people do some works here.

Lots of stress. My mom got so stressed from this war that she moved, gradually faded away, became depressed and left. She was 86 years old.
A neighbor's yard was hit by a shell, and our windows flew into the house. They were inserted, hammered, covered up and they are in place. We are afraid, horror, so as not to suffer. Better to die right away than, God forbid, to become cripple. What to be treated for? There is nothing to be treated for.
Neighbors lived here, teachers. The teacher left. Her husband went out on the road, a shell hit him, killed. And in the same alley, two men were killed at the same time at the beginning of the war, 2014–2015, they lived nearby.
I lost my first husband. So I know what it is to lose. It’s been 13 years already since I’m a widow with children. He was a miner. He died at the age of 35, and at the age of 33 I became a widow with my children. He had a stroke, [blood] pressure. In Donetsk they did not have time to save him, everything happened quickly.

Our child lags behind in development. Last year we were examined in Kyiv. Then they went to Slavyansk, the commission was there - they gave a conclusion that he had epilepsy and was lagging behind in development. He doesn't really speak with us, he just reacts to sounds, in his own world. Maybe that's good, I don't know. And epilepsy ... he loses consciousness once a day, in two. With a cold, the child can generally lose consciousness almost every hour.

Thank God, thanks to the medicine, at least a little relief to him. I feel very sorry for him. We were in a rehabilitation center in Marinka, they showed us how to massage the head, hands, so that he could do it, give different toys to develop motor skills. We communicate with him; we go out for a walk.
Two thousand per child are paid for disability, at least it’s something. Older children receive a scholarship in the technical school. We are trying to survive. Rinat Akhmetov, God grant him health, helps us with food. The Church helps with things. We planted seedlings in the front garden.
I wish the war would end sooner so that the children could learn, find a job for themselves, and help their mother. To support the child at least a little, so that there is improvement, he will start talking - it will already be easier.