The son was born with a brain abnormality, but developed like all children.

However, having done a routine vaccination, he had cerebral edema. This led to epilepsy. Ihor also has cerebral palsy, and can only walk. Daughter Kira is half my brother's age, and when I have to leave the house, she looks after him.

She wants to do drawing and dancing, but this is not possible in our village.
There used to be farms in Novoselivka and a collective farm long time ago. Pensioners and those who have three or four children are among those who stayed here. During all the armed hostilities, we never left the village, even when the situation got very difficult.
We sat for a month and a half with no electricity or water. There was a time when we left jackets and boots near the door, documents in our purse so that we could grab them and jump out if the shelling would suddenly start.
Son Ihor is the first to feel the incoming shooting attacks. He has sharp hearing. But fear provokes epileptic seizures. He cannot do without medications, and they are very expensive. However, the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center really supports us.