Kyrylo Mishchenko, 12 years old:

It was two years ago. I was in the gym with two other boys. Suddenly, a shelling began. We would have been wounded if not for this mesh. It did not let the glass fall.
We were in panic. We had only one thought – how to run out of here whole and sound. We ran out of here and a shell hit the yard. We, several boys, shielded our heads and it ricocheted from the wall into my back. I did not understand what happened because I was shocked. I felt as if some kind of a big stick hit me in the head.
We then went further and talked. And then I felt something wet. I touched it and there was blood. Our coach looked at it and said that it could be a glass shard.
Mother, Olena Mishchenko:

When there was shelling, it was literally a matter of seconds. It all happened instantly. When I came home, the shelling was no longer heard. When I met the son, it was all calmed down.
I was just on my way to the school. The son shouted: ‘Mom!’ I came up to him and immediately started to examine him, check his condition. He seemed to be standing on his feet and his eyes were intact. He said: ‘Mom, I have wounds.’ I did not attach much importance to that right away because I wanted to take him home faster.

There was no blood seen because he then put on his coat. He was in a T-shirt when he was wounded. He put on his coat on top, so no blood was seen. When we came home, only then we saw it... He took off his T-shirt. There was a cut on the T-shirt. He was pale and in shock. I was extremely glad that he was alive, surely.
I am very grateful for the support, for the help. They helped us a lot. I just don't know how we would do without this help… And this trip to Slovyansk. I am very thankful. They took us there. We stayed there 21 days, calm and quiet. There was a treatment course and some physical exercises there. They helped us very much.