[I am] from Yasynuvata town. I like everything about it. I was born there, and that is why I like it. We haven’t returned there for seven years now. We went to visit our friends, and a couple of days later the war began. I was three years old then. After the war began, we never returned there. That is, we stayed there.
We did not have any winter clothes with us. We came only with summer clothes and that was all. We had neither autumn, nor spring, nor winter clothes. My parents started looking for a job soon. Then we lived at those friends’ place for several months.
War is when people are at war with each other, that is, they shoot, gunnery, everything like that. I dream of going back to Yasynuvata and I dream to see this war end. I want to wish them, those people who live in Donbass, that they are not too scared, to hope that everything will be fine, that the war will end someday.