My husband was going to work and met the owner of this house. They were standing and talking. And they could hear some humming noise followed by a bang. The man ran to the cellar to take cover, and Levka took cover here under the tree. One man fell down. Before that, there was a TV report saying that you need to fall down to the ground. But he was hit by shrapnel too and was killed. There was a wound in the back of the head and temple. The brain was leaking out, and there was a shell close by on the ground...
It was terrifying, absolutely terrifying! They shoot, and you cannot understand where. Once I was on my way to work. I work at a bakery. I was going early in the morning, at 4 o’clock. Something was flying above and exploding. I screamed out to my co-worker, ‘Tanya, I am scared!’ She replied: ‘Me too.’ And we ran to the bakery. The bakery had been hit by shelling several times too, but a little earlier. You run and think, ‘And what if they shoot there and kill you?’ And you don’t know... You go to bed and do not know whether you will get up in the morning or not.

As soon as it gets dark, the shooting starts. Once there was a shellfire and we all were down on the floor in the corridor. Where to hide? Windows are everywhere, and you cannot lie down here and there. We also took cover in the basement, in the cellar. It was even more terrifying as the ground was shaking all around us.
Now, the shelling is not so heavy, but sometimes it can still hit very hard and loud. Once I went out to sweep some fallen tree leaves in the yard, and a heavy shot thundered! After that I was shaking all over for about three hours.