Wanda Obedkova lost her mother during the Nazi Holocaust, but did not survive the Russian invasion. On April 4, Wanda died in a cold basement without water.

Vanda Obiedkova was 91 when she died in Mariupol, besieged by the Russian invaders. The lady was born in 1930 році; when she was 10, she lost her mother due to the Nazi’s Holocaust but still survived.
“Mom loved Mariupol. She never wanted to leave this place,” – her daughter Larysa recollects.
While dying in the Mariupol basement, deprived of a warm place and water, Vanda Obiedkova wanted to know only one thing — why was it happening?
She died on April 4, not because of her old age, not in her own bed, but as the victim of the horrible war of the 21st century, which touched her native city.
Her daughter says, “Mom didn’t deserve such a death.” But she could only watch her mother’s life fading away. Risking their own lives, they buried Vanda in the park, a kilometer from the Sea of Azov, under the sounds of constant shelling.
We will cherish the memory of her!
A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.