Anton Khrustalov was the driver of an evacuation bus that arrived in Saltivka in Kharkiv. The occupiers shot the area that day, and Anton came under fire. He is survived by his wife and daughter.

Anton Khrustaliov, a volunteer, was killed on March 16, during the shelling of Kharkiv. The occupiers shelled Saltivka, one of the city’s districts, with the Grad. On that day, a volunteer bus came here. Anton drove it.
“I was closer to the house, and I wasn’t injured," - writes Vasyl Riabko, a musician and volunteer from Kharkiv, in Facebook. “I had known Anton only for two weeks, but he became my true friend. He was a good man, a pacifist; he asked whether he could join; he wanted to help people. We evacuated over 300 people, we were bringing medicines and food, and helping the territorial defense troops. He spoke Russian and was a typical chap from the eastern area of the Kharkiv Tank Plant. If he is not accepted to the heavens, I don’t know who is up there at all. Today he was murdered by the Russkiy mir. By those Russian bastards who have come “to liberate” us.
Anton Khrustaliov is survived by his wife and daughter. His friends want to make a mural on the house near which the volunteer was killed. Andriy Palval, a painter, has already painted a picture for it.
“Without any extreme pathos, for a few floors, on the side of the house, the address of which I will not tell for now,” Vasyl Riabko says. “Right now we cannot do it there, because the Grad rockets may hit it again. But later we will do it. And let anyone prevent us from doing it.”
Rest in peace.
A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.