We have always had children's camps here on the coast, but they were closed with the first attacks. In the resort village only old people stayed. And we could not even imagine that instead of children's laughter we would listen to the cannonade. One day you lie on the bed and it goes, " Bang! Bang! Bang!” It hits so hard that the windows shake.

In 2015, a shell landed in a camp right in front of our house. Thank God the house is still intact. When I look at other people's homes which are broken, they don't get a pension… How can people live like this?
We don't even try to go down to the basement. We no longer have the strength to move, we only use sticks.

Most of the pension is spent on medicines. Our vegetable garden is a significant help, but we do not have the strength to cultivate it either.
This is the second war in our lives. One can't get used to it. Every day we pray and think: will we get up tomorrow or not?