Stream: How to find mental peace and not lose balance of mind?

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Almost all people living in the conflict zone in the east of the country report psychological problems, and a quarter of internally displaced people speak of depression. The COVID-19 pandemic extended the list of their worries. 

How to get rid of frustration, disappointment and deal with fears? How to find mental peace and not lose balance of mind? 

These questions were answered by Maryna Sorokina, a certified gestalt therapist, a practicing psychotherapist, a trainer and coach of therapeutic groups, ex-coordinator of the Psychological Service of the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center.

Maryna Sorokina explains that residents of Donbass, being in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continuation of the tense situation in the region, are going through a very difficult period. Old traumas come to the fore, and a new trauma adds on top. What happens is a phenomenon called re-traumatization in psychology. According to psychologists, if you do not get rid of its burden, of unpleasant feelings and oppressive memories, it can manifest itself even in future generations, in children.

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