Inna Moshkivska lives in Rohachi village of Ruzhyn district. On the morning of February 24, 2022, her sister from Zhytomyr informed her about missile strikes. It was this call that marked the beginning of a new reality for Inna, who, like many others, was not prepared for how things unfolded.

Inna began helping actively from the early days of the war. She collected mattresses, clothes, spoons - everything that people fleeing the war might need. “I just thought I could collect the spoons, maybe someone would need them”, - she recalls. She did not stop there: together with her fellow villagers, she began weaving nets for the military. They worked until their fingers bled.  

For Inna, volunteering has become not only a way to help, but also a way to cope with her emotions. “We wove nets, and this made it easier for us to endure the horrors of war”, - she says.

With each passing day, more and more people came to Inna to help. “There were women from 61 to 75 years old among us, and we worked together, supporting each other”,  - adds the volunteer. She recalls how difficult it was to receive calls from the guys at the front who were asking for help. “It's very hard when you know how much they risk their lives”.