Mother Natalia Sysoieva:

It happened on13 February 2015. We didn't have light in the city for two and a half weeks. And when it was restored, the child stayed at home to watch cartoons. He went out on the balcony to take off his things – and at that moment…

There was a five-story building not far from us. There is also a club nearby. The club was also damaged. And this explosion was so strong that the windows blew out. Well, Dania was standing on the balcony at that moment. He was blown off by the blast wave from the fifth floor. I have three children. Dania is the youngest. My dad died in 2007.
Son Danylo:

I was standing on the balcony, taking some pictures. A bomb went off and I fell.
We stayed by the office for four hours. When the doctor came out and said that the child would not survive, we were hysterical. We called an ambulance from Dnipropetrovsk. He had an operation on the way. They did what they could. They brought him to Dnipropetrovsk quite fast. Well, they pulled the last fragments from the head. His skull was crushed.

They said that the child, well, could not regain consciousness. They said they would call once he did, once he came out of a coma. I was at work when I got the call. They said that the child came out of a coma! I went there right away. The child was all blue. He was so thin. He was so happy when he saw me.
Son: I woke up and saw my mother. I was so happy. My arm hurts when I do push-ups. I can't sleep, it hurts so much. It hurts when I wake up. I write with my left hand. I can't do it with the right any more.

We spend a lot of money on medication. Then I decided to ask for help. We could not do it by ourselves any more. Rinat Akhmetov's organisation promised to help us out. Aren't they great. They helped us. He can bend the hand. It function quite well. The progress is really visible.