Roman and his wife and seven-year-old son were in their house in the village of Yagidne when the occupiers broke into them. When Roman called his friends to warn of the danger, the Russians heard it and took Roman with them. He was found on March 9 in a mass grave with his hands tied.

Chernihiv under shelling. Looking for an escape from the war, Roman Nezhyborets, his wife, and their seven-year-old son moved to the village of Yahidne. They had a house there.
Roman wasn’t sitting idly; he helped the villagers and military and volunteered. Then the occupiers came to their village too.
“The Russian pushed the locals to the basement. At some moment, Roman left the basement and never came back to his family. Later we found out that Roma and his friend were shot dead… We don’t know the exact date of his death. The last time he was in touch with the editorial office in the morning of March 5,” — says Tetiana Zdor, his colleague. They worked together at Dytynets, the Chernihiv TV channel. Roman was a video engineer.
Later, Roman’s relatives told the details of his disappearance. They say that the Russians rushed into the house where the family was hiding. They took away all the phones. Roman managed to hide his son’s phone. When it seemed to him that the occupiers had left his yard, he called his acquaintances to warn them about the danger. The Russians heard it and took him with them.
On March 9, Roman’s body was found in the mass grave. His hands were tied behind his back. He had been shot.
His wife and son survived. There is nothing left of the house where they were hiding.
Rest in peace!
A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.