Kirill Yatsko was only 18 months old when he was hit by mortar shells. Doctors could not save the boy.

Kyrylo Yatsko, 18 months old, was killed in the besieged Mariupol in early March. On March 4, the occupiers shelled the city.
The shrapnel of the mortar shell wounded him. The baby’s parents went to the hospital right away, but it was impossible to save their son.
The doctors who couldn’t help the child were in despair too.
Yevhen Malolietka, a photographer, took a picture of a father, Fedir Yatsko, carrying a bundle in a blue cover, covered in blood, into the hospital. Mother Maryna was running in tears behind her husband.
These parents suffered the death of their baby because of the Russian occupation!
Rest in peace!
A story from the instagram of the Victims of russia channel.